About me

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Marco and I'm just a guy who loves music, electric guitar and everything related to it.

I've been into electric guitar since the age of 16. At one moment of my journey, I realized that the tone coming from my amp was not inspiring me at all, so I went into this rabbit hole that's guitar gear or G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

All of us have THAT tone in our head, and we all are looking to achieve that sound, so was I. That journey has been quite difficult for me, because I went into a bit of option paralysis caused by the enormous amount of choice in the market, and the little info about the guidelines to follow.

As said, I think that life is a journey: I'm here to share my journey, my thoughts, my struggles and my way to solve some problems that I encountered, hoping to be able to help you find your way to the ''holy tone'' :)